Sunday, July 28, 2013

Be Careful Little Eyes...

I feel like I need a I bumper sticker that reads, "I survived VBS". 
Yes, another Vacation Bible School is in the books - and it was wonderful.  I cannot wait to see my babies show the congregation their songs, moves, and memory verses during services tonight.
This year, a few things were changed - and change is good.  Our VBS was held Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon.  This worked really well even with the big storm that blew in during Friday's activities-bounce houses can go airborne.  I usually work with the music - it's my love and I feel comfortable there.  However, this year I was assigned memory verses - yes, God got a good giggle from that I'm sure.
Our main verse was Mark 12:30 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."  Not only was it important for the kids to learn this verse, but I wanted them to know what is meaning is in our world today.  We did an activity called Name 5.  We sat in a circle while the person in the mush pot closed their eyes and gave the start and stop commands as those in the circle passed around a tennis ball.  Whoever had the ball when the stop command was given had to name 5.  For our group, we had the kiddos complete the following: Name 5 ways we can love the Lord in school, at home, at church, at the store, and at the ball field.  I was amazed at their responses.  I was also convicted to make sure that I followed their suggestions.  Be careful little eyes.
This reminded me of something that happened many years ago when I was a real teacher (aka before I became a dyslexia therapist).  I have never been one of those teachers who raised my voice to get attention, silence speaks louder than words don't you know.  It was during one of these moments that I heard one of my students say to the class, "Y'all be quiet, Mrs. Hendrik is praying for us again!"  Kids may not always know what is in their lesson, but they will always know what's in your heart.  I guess what I'm trying to say is build those relationships and walk the walk. From these simple gestures, great lessons will be taught.
As the final weeks of summer approach, I cannot wait to build new relationships. While technology is amazing and oh so important, nothing can match what the human heart can accomplish.

Love & Blessings,

The Name 5 Game can easily be incorporated into many subjects and levels.  It makes an awesome way to close a lesson or review for a test!  I like it because they have to have five answers instead of one - promoting deeper understanding!

How do you build relationships with your classes? Please share your thoughts in the comment section :)

Speaking of relationships, I could not do what I do without my team!  Your teammates are your support system. I tell these ladies that no one else speaks our language.  I love them so :) 

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